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I’ve always been told that Niagra Falls is a sight for sore eyes.  It’s every young person who enjoys waterfalls dream to experience this wonderful site.  Not only can it be viewed in the United States, but Canada as well.   

I am kicking off the fall season visiting this majestic site.  Not only will it be a bucket list, but will also be a wonderful getaway.  

Some fun facts about Canada: 

  • Canada is the second-largest country in the world.
  • One of the longest highways in the world is in Canada.
  • Canada is a bilingual country. 
  • Churchill, Manitoba, is the “Polar Bear Capital of the World.” 
  • Canada crosses six time zones. 
  • Canada has the longest coastline of any country.

As I fly into Buffalo, I look forward to the tourist experience, northern culture, cuisine and more than anything to take in yet another view of God’s creation.